Verity | Colleen Hoover

Oh my goodness, what did I just read??!!!! This is psychedelic stuff but still phenomenally fascinating, so engaging that it will keep you awake at night long after it’s finished. The book itself starts on a gory note acting like a prenomination of what has to come ahead in the storyline when the protagonist of…

City of Girls | Elizabeth Gilbert

The second novel by Elizabeth Gilbert is all about the memories; memories of one’s youth enjoyed and spent in repentance, memories of familial relationships built and nurtured, memories of friendships built and lost and memories of a city loved and admired for over a lifetime. The story begins in 1940s New York when Vivian Morris,…

कृष्णा सोबती लिखित मित्रो मरजानी

एखाद्या पुस्तकाबद्दल तुम्ही खूप प्रशंसा ऐकावी, त्याच्या उल्लेखनीय असण्याची नोंद घ्यावी पण काही ना काही कारणाने ते पुस्तक वाचायचं राहून जावं असं माझं ‘मित्रो मरजानी’च्या बाबतीत बऱ्याच वेळा झालं. कधी कधी तर हि अतिप्रशंसा पुस्तकाच्या दर्जाबद्दल देखील प्रश्न उपस्थित करते कारण सध्याच्या काळातील ओव्हर हाईप्ड चीजा खरोखरचं तितपत चांगल्या असतील याची काहीही शाश्वती नाही. पण…

Mythos | Stephen Fry

Mythos written by Stephen Fry is a contemporary and concise retelling of Greek mythology but with a classical narrative. It doesn’t necessarily travel in a linear manner and sometimes we find similarly named people or places in more than one stories. Having said that, this retelling of classical stories with a relaxed timeline and emphasis…