Lucy Barton is an interesting character created by Elizabeth Strout with an intriguing storyline narrated in a rather haphazard ways than a typical novel. Perhaps that’s why it is a series of book rather than one single novel giving as all the details about Ms. Lucy Barton. So we come to know all the tidbits…
Tag: Birth
Oh William! | Elizabeth Strout| (Lucy Barton Book Series- 3)
How can you sum up a book so abstract, so vague in its subject matter and with such a thin plot!!! This is apparently third book in the Lucy Barton book quartet which can be read as an independent book in itself without the necessity of reading the prior two books to understand the basic…
My Year of Rest And Relaxation | Ottessa Moshfegh
Let’s call this as a sleeping beauty story with modern plot twists set against an American backdrop. But unlike the original fairy tale where the darling princess is sleeping because of an uninvited curse, this beautiful girl is inviting sleep on account of a self inflicted curse. Wait, what???!!!! Does this make sense at all??…
Problems With People | David Guterson
There are so many books whose covers disappoint and then there are those whose cover delivers as promised. This book by David Guterson comes in the second category which delivers problems faced by people as promised on the cover of it. To be frank, it is not all gloom and doom narrative but rather peculiar…
From Words To Views| Monica, O My Darling
If you are looking for a thrilling ride with fast paced storyline and superb acting chops, then this is the film for you. Not only it’s has a madcap motley crew but it also hilariously dramatic in almost all the frames. Based on the Japanese novel called Burutasu No Shinzou (Eng: Heart of Brutus), first…
Verity | Colleen Hoover
Oh my goodness, what did I just read??!!!! This is psychedelic stuff but still phenomenally fascinating, so engaging that it will keep you awake at night long after it’s finished. The book itself starts on a gory note acting like a prenomination of what has to come ahead in the storyline when the protagonist of…
City of Girls | Elizabeth Gilbert
The second novel by Elizabeth Gilbert is all about the memories; memories of one’s youth enjoyed and spent in repentance, memories of familial relationships built and nurtured, memories of friendships built and lost and memories of a city loved and admired for over a lifetime. The story begins in 1940s New York when Vivian Morris,…
From Words To Views| Bridgerton (Season 2)
To be frank, I was a bit sceptical about watching this season of the famous series. The promos and trailers all look promising but what was really not motivating me enough to watch this latest season was too much familiar love story between the lead pairs or rather a love triangle. Actually similar storylines have…
कृष्णा सोबती लिखित मित्रो मरजानी
एखाद्या पुस्तकाबद्दल तुम्ही खूप प्रशंसा ऐकावी, त्याच्या उल्लेखनीय असण्याची नोंद घ्यावी पण काही ना काही कारणाने ते पुस्तक वाचायचं राहून जावं असं माझं ‘मित्रो मरजानी’च्या बाबतीत बऱ्याच वेळा झालं. कधी कधी तर हि अतिप्रशंसा पुस्तकाच्या दर्जाबद्दल देखील प्रश्न उपस्थित करते कारण सध्याच्या काळातील ओव्हर हाईप्ड चीजा खरोखरचं तितपत चांगल्या असतील याची काहीही शाश्वती नाही. पण…
Under The Whispering Door | T.J. Klune
An unusual setting, limited characters with solid backstories supporting them and an interesting plot line with curious twists are some of the elements which make this novel an amazing feat. Surrounded by so much talks of death and afterlife, this story still manages to weave a tapestry of amusement, joy, simple pleasures and love with…
From Words To Views | The Baztán Trilogy
There are three movies which complete the aforementioned trilogy called The Invisible Guardian (El guardián invisible), The Legacy of The Bones ( Legado en los huesos) and Offering To The Storm (Ofrenda a la tormenta). Coming from the penmanship of the acclaimed Spanish author Dolores Redondo, the first two movies are based on the eponymous…
Mythos | Stephen Fry
Mythos written by Stephen Fry is a contemporary and concise retelling of Greek mythology but with a classical narrative. It doesn’t necessarily travel in a linear manner and sometimes we find similarly named people or places in more than one stories. Having said that, this retelling of classical stories with a relaxed timeline and emphasis…
The Visit | Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche
What a powerful short story this is!! Coming from the acclaimed author Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche, this story definitely continues her brilliant writing style. Like her previous works, the main setting of the story is Nigeria with glimpses beyond the horizon of the western world. However what is most striking about this gem of a short…
The Truth About Melody Browne | Lisa Jewell
Coming from the acclaimed author of The Family Upstairs, The Truth About Melody Browne certainly has all the hallmarks for which Lisa Jewell’s penmanship is famous for. This book has elements of mystery, drama, family dynamics and love to captivate and hold the readers’ attention for almost 300 pages. The story begins in contemporary London…