Vinegar Girl | Anne Tyler

Vinegar Girl is a modern take on Shakespeare’s Taming The Shrew by Anne Taylor. Like the original source, this book also has a spinster at its heart who is a bit problematic for her father and then gets eventually ‘tamed’ (sort of) by an arranged suitor. However, unlike the original play, the entire plot line…

Mythos | Stephen Fry

Mythos written by Stephen Fry is a contemporary and concise retelling of Greek mythology but with a classical narrative. It doesn’t necessarily travel in a linear manner and sometimes we find similarly named people or places in more than one stories. Having said that, this retelling of classical stories with a relaxed timeline and emphasis…

Intimations| Zadie Smith

This compact but complex book of essays by Zadie Smith is your quintessential reading for these unusual, unpredictable times. Coming out in the middle of this once-a-century pandemic, these six concise essays manage to capture the mood of this muddled hour so perfectly. These six essays have nothing in common in them per se but…

Writers And Lovers | Lily King

This new novel by Lily King beautifully and evocatively captures all the struggles and solaces of writers and lovers. The agony, excitement, heartbreak and sense of accomplishment are some of the common qualities being traced in both of these phenomenon – beginning to write and falling in love. The story, first person narrated by Kacey…