Fans of romantic drama and stories intercepted across timelines will surely like this movie. Based on the novel of the same name by Jojo Moyes, this film essentially focuses on taking chances in love and this theme is presented across two time periods till the end. The film begins in a fictional British newspaper as…
Tag: Mountains
Less | Andrew Sean Greer
Arthur Less wants nothing but an adventure to get over life, love and loss of both- life & love. And how is he going to do that, well with the help of his ingenious plan to have a trip around the world- new sites, new people, new purposes to look forward to one’s days once…
सानिया लिखित ओमियागे
सानिया यांच्या कथेतील स्त्रिया ह्या बहुतेक एका विशिष्ट सामाजिक-आर्थिक वर्गातून आलेल्या दिसतात. स्वतंत्र विचारसरणी, व्यवस्थित किंवा उच्च शैक्षणिक पार्शवभूमी आणि स्वतःचे निर्णय घेण्याची मानसिक कुवत असण्याऱ्या स्त्रिया त्यांच्या कथेमध्ये मध्यवर्ती असतात. बहुधा शहरी किंवा निमशहरी भागातील या स्त्रिया एका ठराविक विचारसरणीनुसार त्यांचं आयुष्य व्यतित करणं उचित समजतात. ओमियागे या दीर्घ कथासंग्रहामधील अनिता, सुजाता, सरिता, श्यामल…
Dancing In Cambodia And Other Essays | Amitav Ghosh
This is what happens when an accomplished novelist is also a brilliant historian as well as a noted columnist; essays mixing all these different elements to present us with a nuanced view of South East Asia. The namesake of the book titled ‘Dancing in Cambodia’ takes up to the tiny Buddhist nation of Cambodia; neighbouring…
Bear Town | Fredrik Backman
We are the bears….. We are the bears from Bear Town!! A small, secluded village lies in one forgotten corner of Sweden; sleepy, downward bound in terms of economic growth but famous for only one thing, it’s Ice Hockey Team. Peter used to be one of the most famous and well-loved player of Bear Town….
Discovering Charms of Uttarakhand With My Mother
“I understand that they have came here to learn Yoga and Indian Spirituality; but besides that what they exactly do? Rest of the day or remaining of their stay? How about the cost of living, earning etc. how do they manage?”She was so full of questions, perplexed looking around at all these ashrams and their…
Prodigal Summer | Barbara Kingsolver
At the heart of this book is loneliness. And the book weaves it’s theme of primal instincts around this. The story revolves around Lena, Garnett and Deanna- these are our central characters having their own character graphs and stories happening around or about them. Each of one of them is lonely in their own way,…