Verity By Colleen Hoover

Oh my goodness, what did I just read??!!!! This is psychedelic stuff but still phenomenally fascinating, so engaging that it will keep you awake at night long after it’s finished. The book itself starts on a gory note acting like a prenomination of what has to come ahead in the storyline when the protagonist of…

From Words To Views: The Baztán Trilogy

There are three movies which complete the aforementioned trilogy called The Invisible Guardian (El guardián invisible), The Legacy of The Bones ( Legado en los huesos) and Offering To The Storm (Ofrenda a la tormenta). Coming from the penmanship of the acclaimed Spanish author Dolores Redondo, the first two movies are based on the eponymous…

Mythos By Stephen Fry

Mythos written by Stephen Fry is a contemporary and concise retelling of Greek mythology but with a classical narrative. It doesn’t necessarily travel in a linear manner and sometimes we find similarly named people or places in more than one stories. Having said that, this retelling of classical stories with a relaxed timeline and emphasis…

The Girl Who Saved The King of Sweden By Jonas Jonasson

When I first picked up this book and went through the blurb on the backside cover; my immediate reaction was the plot seems bit weird but might be wonderful. And yes, I can now summarise that my initial guess was correct – quite a charming but weird tale with multiple whacky characters. So, the story…

The Lethal White By Robert Galbraith

Ushering into 2020 with a strong urge to read more. Well, I won’t call it a New Year Resolution per se; as they are hard to keep. But, I will like to call it as a personal goal to have more times with the books beginning with this year. Well the first book to appear…

The Thirteenth Tale

Everybody has a story to tell. The most fascinating thing about this novel is it’s a book within a book (a future book??!!); more likely a story within a story within a story – something like standing in a room full of mirrors and wondering at reflections within reflections. At a precise point in time;…