What a powerful short story this is!! Coming from the acclaimed author Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche, this story definitely continues her brilliant writing style. Like her previous works, the main setting of the story is Nigeria with glimpses beyond the horizon of the western world.
However what is most striking about this gem of a short story is its focus on feminism. It’s just not limited to putting a strong, independent and intelligent woman in the centre but also about imagining this world ruled by women. This is the world of women, for women and run by women with ample authority,
On the outset, it talks a visit of a childhood friend called Eze who is currently living in USA, to the home of his childhood friend Obinna. Obinna is a dutiful stay-at-home husband who is content with the regular pace of his family life and being around his growing children. He is a supportive husband of his ambitious wife who is climbing the corporate ladder and doesn’t want to burden herself with family responsibilities.
But then Eze arrives on a fateful day. He brings along with him the bitterness, heartaches and most of all his regressive views about the domineering matriarchal presence across the world. Although Obinna connects with him and opens his heart as well as home to his old friend, still he is quite cautious about this rebellious attitude which could jeopardise his regular life.
This short story is all about this visit but the penmanship of the author takes it above and beyond it. It pictures a dramatically different world and presents a fantasised dynamic situation. But most of all, it makes its readers to pause and think. In my opinion, this is its biggest strength. Would like to recommend as a quick and effective read.