A wisecracking lady meeting a geeky gentleman as part of a project and then embarking on another project for the aforementioned lady’s benefit is the one line story of this best selling book. Agreed that I have woken up quite late to its charm and some of the humour might look dated after all this time, still it’s not late for picking up this book.
Written by Graeme Simsion, The Rosie project is essentially a story of an Australian genetics professor called Don Tillman and his quest to find a suitable wife. Frustrated with his ultra high IQ, inability to connect or react emotionally and difficulty to sync in the normal, regular world, he comes to the conclusion of making a radical shift in his life. And, that’s why in true geeky style, he goes ahead and initiates his very own Wife Project.
Of course, he is not alone in his pursuit of finding a life partner. He is very much encouraged, supported and comforted by his only friend Gene and Gene’s wife Claudia. Indeed, it is Gene who arranges the blind date between Rosie and Don, unbeknownst to either of them. From early on, Dan looks down on Rosie because of her part-time profession, average IQ level and unsuitably as a potential candidate in the aforementioned Wife Project. Rosie on her part, finds him to be peculiar, fond of weird things and firm believer of his set routine. Well, the love blossoms eventually, but not without lots of twists and turns.
This affair of Don and Rosie is definitely aided by Don’s insistence on helping out Rosie by launching the Father Project and going to great lengths for this project’s sake. We find their old acquaintances Gene and Claudia acting as supportive consulars, always providing advices and friendly support whenever needed. From this moment on, you can very much guess the end of this story.
If you like charming, witty and romantic drama then this book checks all the boxes. The success of this book may have to do with the fact that it very much connects with so many people who find it hard to fit in the fast paced modern world. No wonder then the subsequent parts in this Rosie series have already been ranked as best sellers. A light hearted and joyful read, definitely recommended.